Lina Ramona Vitkauskas

Clandestine Collection

The weakness 
is not often 
the technology,
it is the 

These blind freedoms
ones we unsee only
to find them shorn—
pear skins or ancient

We stan for me meme me.
I don’t care 
for You. Your. You’re. 

Portraits of cosmogonic
revealed to the point
of absence of
in reality.  

that was all of us, 
we discarded.


There lie scarves of frictions
in the universe, for example,
my pineal gland is blocked
preventing my boundless
ability to track plastic mystery
meats, their commodified outputs,
the general likes of spectators, or
boundaries surrounding reality.
Yet no matter: I can still listen
to the pregnant knolls upon birch
trunks, receiving messages
from my ancestors.

To Live in This World

Boundless is water, 
is who & what we are. 
Crystal beaked, we must 
go back into the earth again,
peck at chthonic radiancy 
between time & renovation. 

Between stacks of bills,
& scrolls of Xerox ass &
injected lips, we rifle 
through others’
suicide correspondence.

We crash into death 
our whole lives—
numb tuning forks.

We are the propaganda,
eating mud & air.
I’m a marionette 
reborn for each election.
I have no imagined grievances.
They are all real. 

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Here is your gold-leaf replica
& counterfeit bones. Your
false breaths like atrophied stars
in a gallery of inflatable tokens,
gasping fish in the warped air,
coughing up the pebbles of history
& green inauthenticity.
There are multiple habitable
oily planets & classified lamina
to crack—subterranean bruleé.
The devaluation of the horizon,
water debts, rust moss,
globeflower warnings.
Please disconnect
your genes.

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Lina Ramona Vitkauskas is a Canadian-US-Lithuanian published poet / award-winning cinepoet; sometime voice-over artist for documentaries about bizarre art movements; and anti-propaganda activist. She has earned poetry accolades (selected work by Brenda Hillman & Eleni Sikelianos) and has published several books. She is based in Toronto, Canada and has lived in Chicago and Lithuania. Her website is