Carrie Hunter

Coronal Holes


Space within the dialectic for the diametric. Divine messenger of

catastrophe. I want this revelation to be relevant to now, but it is only a

historical point leading up to now. There’s no guarantee the kool-aid will

come out of your hair. Erotic picture titled “Accumulation Strategy.”

Erotic picture titled “Biopolitics.” Erotic picture titled “Epiphenomenon.”

Erotic picture titled “Handmaiden.”* We love a bot. Fuck the economy.

It’s weird when I feel jealous of people’s nice houses on Zoom, and what

does it really matter if they have a kitchen table and I don’t.

*Language is from Kay Gabriel’s article “Gender as Accumulation Strategy” found in Invert Journal issue 1

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Carrie Hunter received her MFA/MA in the Poetics program at New College of California, was on the editorial board of Black Radish Books, and for 11 years, edited the chapbook press, ypolita press. She has published around 15 chapbooks and has two books out with Black Radish Books, The Incompossible and Orphan Machines, and a third full length, Vibratory Milieu, just out with Nightboat Books. She lives in San Francisco and teaches ESL.